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The Chemistry REU Leadership Group (LG) is composed of a subset of REU Site Directors and is supported by a special grant from the NSF. The mission of the LG is to improve the REU program through workshops, travel grants, symposia, and other innovative activities and provide guidance to current and prospective REU Site PIs. The LG serves as an important advocacy group for the chemistry undergraduate research community nationwide.


In March of 2001, the “Workshop for Chemistry REU Site Directors” (modeled after a workshop that had taken place 11 years earlier) was held at NSF. To maintain the momentum from the March 2001 workshop, and to address its recommendations, John Stevens, then the director of Special Programs in NSF Chemistry, solicited individuals to form the NSF Chemistry REU Leadership Group (LG).

Working as a team, the LG crafted a plan and obtained funding for a number of initiatives in support of the chemistry REU community.

Read more about our funding HERE.


The Chemistry REU Leadership Group (LG) is composed of a subset of REU Site Directors and is supported by a special grant from the NSF. The mission of the LG is to improve the REU program through workshops, travel grants, symposia, and other innovative activities and provide guidance to current and prospective REU Site PIs. The LG serves as an important advocacy group for the chemistry undergraduate research community nationwide.


In March of 2001, the “Workshop for Chemistry REU Site Directors” (modeled after a workshop that had taken place 11 years earlier) was held at NSF. To maintain the momentum from the March 2001 workshop, and to address its recommendations, John Stevens, then the director of Special Programs in NSF Chemistry, solicited individuals to form the NSF Chemistry REU Leadership Group (LG).

Working as a team, the LG crafted a plan and obtained funding for a number of initiatives in support of the chemistry REU community.

Read more about our funding HERE.


Meets quarterly (in-person and virtually) to discuss and plan action on issues related to the NSF Chemistry REU program as a result of feedback provided by the REU Sites

PI Workshop:

  • Meet every three years with current and prospective REU Site PIs to plan, evaluate, and improve the overall Program
  • Bring in outside experts on timely topics of interest to REU community

  • REU Symposium at Spring American Chemical Society National Meeting

    Receive and provide feedback to NSF through interaction with program officers

    Provides a venue for sharing information, feedback, and resources between sites

    Coordinate advertisement of all REU Sites at local, regional and national conferences

    Point of contact for cross-divisional REU activities


    Meets quarterly (in-person and virtually) to discuss and plan action on issues related to the NSF Chemistry REU program as a result of feedback provided by the REU Sites

    PI Workshop:

  • Meet every three years with current and prospective REU Site PIs to plan, evaluate, and improve the overall Program
  • Bring in outside experts on timely topics of interest to REU community

  • REU Symposium at Spring American Chemical Society National Meeting

    Receive and provide feedback to NSF through interaction with program officers

    Provides a venue for sharing information, feedback, and resources between sites

    Coordinate advertisement of all REU Sites at local, regional and national conferences

    Point of contact for cross-divisional REU activities

    Leadership Group Members

    Leadership Group Chairs